Sport Betting Updates: March 29

All around the world and in every major sport league, there have been many things happening that makes online sports betting Australia even more exciting. From golf online betting to other sports, we have condensed some of the important happenings in the entire world of sport.

Tiger Woods Back On Top

Here’s one for those who are into golf online betting. Tiger Woods is now again ranked number one by dethroning Rory MiIlroy with his win at the Arnold Palmer Invitational 2013. Apparently, plenty are excited, or at least interested as proven by the slowing down of the Official World Golf Rankings website due to an increased traffic after his win.

The question now is that whether his being back on top of the rankings also means he’s back on his top form. We’ll find out soon enough on how he fairs at the Augusta.

World Peace is Compromised

Metta World Peace of the Los Angeles Lakers suffered from a torn meniscus on his left knee that will require a surgery and take him out for the rest of the season. This news dampens the chance of the Lakers making the playoffs since their only reliable perimeter defender is gone for the rest of the battle for a playoff spot.

If the MWP injury wasn’t enough, Kobe Bryant was diagnosed with a bone spur which is more of a bad news. Even if can play through it, he will still be limited which can only add more burden to the Lakers. Better rest it out Kobe.