A Short Tribute to Jerry Buss

In the any sport, athletes are not the only ones who can affect the success of a franchise. That is why in lieu of Dr. Jerry Buss’ passing, it is important to pay tribute to the man who was a driving force behind one of the most successful franchises not only in the National Basketball Association but even in the entirety of the sports world.

Anyone in the realm of online betting basketball knows the great things the good doctor has done that changed not only his beloved basketball team but even the entire sport. When you think of great sport franchise owners, you can only think of a select few, and Dr. Jerry Buss is one of them. While other owners whine and shudder when dealing with problems with their franchise, Dr. Buss has always been the type that stays silent yet steady with the way he handles problems. Knowing that he is in Hollywood, where everything is magnified by a thousand times, makes it even more praiseworthy and making him every bit deserving of his hall of fame status.

It is a bit sad though that the man had to pass in a time where his beloved team has been struggling. While they shouldn’t need something like this to motivate them, I sure hope that the Lakers instill in their mind the passion of the late owner, and play on the court with the same passion. After all, there is no better tribute to a team owner who loved to win.

While it is unfortunate for such an iconic individual to pass away, it’s also a good reminder to everyone that nothing last forever and it is important to cherish what we have right now.

We’d like to offer our deepest condolences to the entire Buss family.

For sports betting aficionados out there, the next post will be more cheery with the focus on online betting boxing and online betting basketball.

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