Tips for Cricket Online Betting

Cricket online betting is one of the fastest growing games available in the Internet today. Its uniqueness from other sporting events is the main reason why it is gaining popularity by the minute. It is definitely a fresh take from the usual sports such as basketball and soccer.

Other than the variation of the game itself, its unique method of wagering has both enticed and frustrated bettors from different parts of the globe. The shorter yet more action-packed game has attracted new followers especially now with the popularity of the T20 or twenty-twenty format.
If you are interested with cricket online betting, the first thing that you need to do is to be familiar with the popular formats of the game. These are – One-day International (ODI), five day (Test), and T20 (Twenty-twenty). There are teams that are better in one format but not so good in another. For instance, South Africa is better with Test while India is best with T20.

It is also important to understand different conventions in this kind of sports betting event. For one, each of the three formats follow varied conventions. For an ODI, the series involve two teams - the away sides and home sides. The home teams are always considered the upper hand as reflected in the odds.

In this kind of bet, there are outright odds which are based on the outcome of the game and not on the performance of individual players. If you are familiar with Test and bowling performances, you are halfway through winning. The other half will test your luck.