Football Half-Time Handicapping For Online Sports Betting

You spend overnight thinking the advantage of your team against their match-up for game you choose to bet on in online sports betting. You weigh your options and your instinct is telling you that your New England Patriots will win 3 or more points against Green Bay Packers.

You spend an hour of reading and studying stat by stat, key player by key player, and injury by injury in online sportsbook reviews and predictions, and your preferred betting site is giving you a tempting -3 + 105, but your options faced against you when you checked out the Almanac. Now your bookmaker is asking you to give-up a -3.5 at -110 for a play play on the heads. If you don't have access for bookers who offer -3, you will surely end up in either going for it or just let the oppurtunity pass.

Most of us are really action junkies. We want excitement and we want to risk big for a possibility of bigger earn. Many online sports betting patronizers risj extra half point, even if it would eat their bank roll away.

Handicapping an NFL match-up and formulating opinion are just part of the game. Every wise bettor knows that type of line shopping, and more particularly, the line movement for the success of their bets. Understanding and following the course of the changing odds gives a huge advantage beyong the long gain. A football bettor may read the lines for the whole week in order to guage his options and make a good strike in his betting lines, but still end up in or out of his favor.

If you are not into waging-for-a-living and just consider sports betting sites as good places for your gambline past-time, then half-time bet is good for you.

In betting at the half-time, the firt things you should understand is the importance of understanding the line movement to make a good halftime bets.

The Line Movement

The odds presented by games at the half offers you a fresh line to follow until it comes off the board. Betting at the2nd half of the game gives you a hint where the line is heading and leap on the availble offers that suits your play. Expert gamblers can actually use this technique in just 5 minutes of studying the half-time report of the game.

The Soft Lines

This one stray from the general agreement. Bookmakers, especially online bookmakers have only have little time to give their betting options at the half, and usually will avert from the pack to take their desired bets. Other bookies on the other hand, will continually be the ones to slide their numbers which offers good value when it's changed against you at the sportsbook.

In setting the odds for full game betting, bookmakers will always take a peek at each other's offers. Many bookmakers will base their odds on what their neighboring bookmakers offers, so will brand out and make some more deals from there.

However, during half-time, there will be a very little time for them to speak and consult each other. 1 out of 5 book opinions will most likely differ from the rest. The line adjusts as fast as people bet on it, but these initial soft lines offers sporadic shots for extra 2 points you may not see offerred during commercial breaks or intermissions.

The Advantage Of Half-Time Line

Let's assume you're into NBA betting, and you prefer NBA total set at 190. Before the tip-off, you were able to follow the line movement, and even earn 3 points for your bet. As the game goes on, the big line moves occur, and also occur ath the second half odds. Even if you bet at the actual game, that doesn't always mean you will also get the movement of the line at the half. Having extra 3 points at 190 is a good find, but getting 3 points right on the second half over/under total 95 provides better advantage for your bet. This is because you are actually going for the larger percentafe of the line, which is a good head start in a race. This is like using a 25-foot head start in a hundred meter dash than in a marathon.

A Balanced Playing Field

Many online sports betting gamblers don't want to try half-time betting, as they think quick betting will not give you amlpe time to study the game and weigh your options. Well, if you really think of it, online bookies have already set the information on the table.
During half-time breaks, players will listen to their coaches for their gameplan. Linesmen are often demanded to give odds in many mid-game case at the same time. They would more likely see ther game as you see it in your television screen, thus a week worth or research and study will no longer come into play. The line will be based on the first 24 minutes of the game.

And Your Best Bet

Half-time betting is really an exciting way to wage some money on, but I don't think this is for everyone. If you're a type of gambler that doesn't want to read bulk of numbers and results at once, then this type of betting is not for you. If you want to know how to study the life of line, take advantage in more unique or soft numbers offered by your bookies. Put your effort to little contest and know more than your bookmaker, then your second half may just be your best bet.