Betting on Money Lines

These may not seem it initially, but are highly enjoyable. In this day and age, online betting sports are a bit more exciting, since you don’t have to leave your house just to place your bet.

The online sports betting procedure goes like this: You give a little in order to earn a lot. But sometimes you have to give a lot to earn a little, and then hope that you win big the next time you bet again. There are many ways to wager your money, depending on a bookmaker’s preference. A bookmaker, which is basically a person or organization assigned to take wagers, in the United Kingdom may prefer fractional odds. Decimal odds may be more common in Canada and Europe. But we’re going to talk about the third type of fixed-odds betting: money line odds –which are generally preferred in the United States.

When betting on money line odds, the point spread is simply put out of consideration. Here, only the final score has a bearing on the results of the bet. Without going to much into specifics about how it works, this kind of betting is used in sports where the point spread is generally useless. Tennis matches, boxing tournaments, racing events –these are some of the most common sports where the money line is used.

So let’s try making some imaginary odds to further understand the money line. If a favored team is up, it gets a minus sign (-) written before the number. For instance, team A’s odds are -150. The opposing team which is the underdog in this case, gets a plus sign (+). Here, let’s give team B +130 for its odds.
What this basically means is that for those betting for team A have to risk $150 to gain $100, while those rooting for team B must be ready to dish out $100 to win 130. While money lines are generally measured in units of $100, you don’t really need to bet all that much.

Remember that the game’s circumstances –the location, date, weather and other factors –can affect its outcome as well. Try to take a look at each and every condition before placing your bet and decide if it’s better to choose the favorite or the underdog. If you get the drift of the money line, it’s easy to get addicted to betting. Read the situation well and have fun gambling!