Tiger Wooods grilled by British Journalist

Tiger Woods became a golf superstar not only because he is great in playing golf, but also because there are lots of people making money out of his game, golf online betting for instance or offline betting. When he finally surfaced in front of the British journalists, he dealt with them the way champions handle their games.

Tiger Woods

British journalists tried their best to intimidate him and be able to extract some real answers. However, Woods only gave them non-answer answers. Although, there are some answers that are quite sensible. For instance: when he was asked if he is willing to change the way he behaves in golf course such as uttering the F word or spitting on place, he just answered them positively. He is willing to cut out all those tantrums and respect the place since, “I'm trying to become a better player and a better person.”

The press conference was quite frustrating on the side of the British journalists. The questions were more on the personal issues, not about the game. I don’t know if the journalists had asked when he will win again. Will it happen in the game he will be playing this weekend? Lots of people who do golf online betting and other online sports betting sites are waiting to start the game. The bottom question for the bettors, will they make money out of Tiger Woods again?